Thursday, March 14

simply this

There is something outstandingly beautiful about sitting in a small living room, with a friend in each corner, quietly working away on one thing or another. I have made such wonderful friends here in London and I am so grateful for them that I got inspired to finally post something on my long neglected blog. And that post is . . . .

I am grateful. I am humbled to be around so many men and women (mostly women here in London anyways) who are so excited about living a happy and gospel centered life. They inspire me. Just one example of these wonderfully influential people in my life are my TA and my religion professor. Ha didn't see that one coming did you? Jacob and Anna are very caring people who every day help me to expand my horizons and because of their example make me want to develop a stronger relationship with my Heavenly Father. There is more than likely, no one at all who read this blog but if someone does read this, go find friends that uplift you. Those that increase your desire for all the good things in the world are the ones that are the best to keep around. They are the ones to buoy you up when your heart fails you and who teach you how much the Lord loves you. If you can feel that much love and peace form friends, think of your family and then your Heavenly Father with His infinite capacity to love you. Even in the harshest circumstances of all, you are surrounded by those that love you waiting to help you up to be the great version of yourself. Be strong and keep the faith my friends! 

Hopefully a more organized and more in depth post will come soon. Cheers!

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