Friday, January 27


Ah hah so Jillian Michaels kicks my butt in yoga. Literally, my butt, my back, my neck, my abs and my arms are all supa sore from doing Power Yoga this morning. Jackie (my roommate) and I are doing it Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. New goal to take one step at a time. But I'm excited cause it felt really good going to school and then throughout the day I got progressively sorer (more sore? I'm in a grammar class,I feel like I should know this) throughout the day. But I'm exercising now and its a start to a painful friendship with Jillian Michaels.

I had to present in my Literary criticism class today applying Bordo's Unbearable Weight and her theories regarding gender to Moliere's The School for Wives. Yes, I loved it. Yes I'm a nerd. No you cannot change my mind. LOVE IT

Did my first read throughs for Criterion today (BYU Literary Criticism journal) and oh goodness 17 pages but I feel like I was pretty good at evaluating them. Its great experience and I suppose I can't complain about 17 pages because in the future I hope to be doing the same thing for books :)

Sappy romantic comedies and Bob Ross paintings took up my evening. Pizza and chicken puffs also had their appearance which was delicious. Its been a good busy day, I'm off to sleep in now, yeh yeah.


Thursday, January 26

a random thursday

When I have only one class on Thursdays and it starts at 12, then you finish everything early and are super bored? That was ALL day today. But the bonus is that I got most everything done and don't need to worry about it, YAY! (said like Flynn Rider in Tangled)

So You Think You Can Dance is absolutely fantastic! Roommates and I went back and watched all of our favorite ones, and oh dang, I'm gonna learn to hip hop dance. I will be the awesome (yes awesome not awkward) chick at dances who breaks it out and you'll all cheer for me just wait! It'll be fun to get back into Dance classes cause they make life so much fun :)

I got a letter! 3 pages! Very impressive: both in him and in me for being able to read all of it. He's doing so great and man am I proud to call him my best friend :)

Going to continue reading more talks about the Atonement before bed. I love my Savior and I can't even express how much His love means to me. God has blessed me so greatly for having a knowledge of His Son and the fullness of the gospel. It is everything to me and I'm just working on being better, one day at a time.

Remember the Lord

Wednesday, January 25


Days are long. Its been fun over the last few days to catch up with some old friend. I feel like I'm growing up really fast just cause everyone around me is too. I turn two decades old in less then a month, how weird is that?!

Yesterday, work was work and not that exciting but I put up all my pictures in my room last night :) As indicated by the smiley face, it made a not so great night pretty fantastic. Lots of great memories with lots of really great people who are all very good at making me smile. Now I smile every time I see the pictures, absolutely fantastic!

Orchestra is super fun to take a breather in the middle of the week but its also a VERY long day on Wednesdays. We're playing such awesome pieces (Symphonie Fantastique 4th movement, Beethoven's 7th Symphony 2nd movement, Carmen Suite and Finlandia) that it TOTALLY makes up for it. Classical music is the best kind of music ever, bar nothing and bar no one. Show me another piece of music that requires more skill, delicacy and patience. HA! You can't can you? Classical music for the win.

I love my religion classes and I love the fact that my other classes input religious subjects that go along with our discussions. I had religious discussions in 3 classes! New Testament was great talking about how men can agree maybe not on ideas but principles bring people together and bring more harmonious ideas. Literary Criticism we talked about the family and the roles we have and how society has shifted both for the better in these roles and in some cases, for the worse. I loved reading last night a Devotional talk about how we need to remember that we can't save ourselves only through Christ. We do our best and it may not be everything that everyone else can do, just what I myself can do. American Humanities was awesome talked about the Atonement and how by taking the Sacrament represents us believing what Christ said and knowing that He is the only one that can save us, we can't, and we need to remember that otherwise life is just too overwhelming. I just wish that more people understood or were open to understanding that; it'd save them much heartache.

Life is good you know? Life and I wil be better somehow, just take it a day at a time. Thats all I can do. Strive for improvement not perfection, working on it.

Fare Thee Well

Monday, January 23


Snow = Winter. A simple equation that finally brought winter back to Provo today with the nice thick snow all over. Luckily I got a ride home from school so I didn't have to walk but it really makes me want to go skiing. Then I remember I haven't gotten paid yet . . . well I'll go when I can get a ride. :)

Lots of cool insights today :) It was a pretty relaxed day. I had all my reading done before all of my classes so I felt like I was prepared and understood more fully all of the things we discussed in classes. In new Testament, we talked about how having faith is one of the most important things when we are praying to the Lord. Even if our faith is imperfect, the Lord does answer our prayers, it may not be in the way we want it or expect it but an answer will come and by the time everything is gone and through, things will be alright. In American Humanities, we talked about Puritan poetry and the wonderful faith and dependence they had on the Lord. Man did they know how to endure to the end. Different kinds of trials brings different kinds of reactions from different people. The trials may be different but the Lord is always the same. He knows me by my name and is better at knowing what I need then I am. I want to put my complete trust in the Lord and ask, "where would you have me go? Who can I help/ How can I make someone's day better today?" I've got a long way to go but at least I know where I want to be.

Take me there one day at a time. I want to do good and be better. One day at a time right?


Sunday, January 22


Its been great spiritual day, but hey its Sunday so thats to be expected. My home teachers (shout out to Jason and Phil) are great and gave me a great lesson about taking life one day at a time. Thats kind of the theme of my blog so it fit perfectly. They added how goals and things we need to do are one day at a time. Everything from reading my scriptures to washing my face before bed, its all just a day at a time.

I have a great ward. True, I'm still working on getting to know most of them but there's always a great spirit in Sacrament meeting whenever I go. We had ward conference today (which I missed most of because I was at work) but we had several people bear their testimonies and of course, at least least one thing of what every person said hit me hard. I'm such an easy cryer when it comes to spiritual things, and the thing is I kinda like it that way.

So work today was long but fine. Just long. I get a break tomorrow so that'll be delightful :)

Lets go read Acts :)


Saturday, January 21

funny thing

The last few days have been too crazy to remember to blog. But now I'll play catch up again.

I had gotten all of my reading done early for my one class of that day and enjoyed the extra time to just breathe and do homework as I pleased. I went to my Humanities of Islam class and the Imam (religious leader) of one of the Mosques in Salt Lake came and we got to ask him questions. It was a really great experience to hear him speak because a religion and a way of life is completely different in when you study it on paper and actually see it in a person. I certainly hope that, its as plain to others what I stand for as it was plain to see in him. I did more homework, mostly an Oral Project for ELang, after then work then home. And I got a letter :) My first one  which made me almost bounce off the walls with giddiness but you know thats just me :) It was great to hear from him and know how well he's doing, it just made me smile the whole time reading and re-reading it. Then Downton Abbey took over my life and I went to bed far far too late.

I hadn't gotten nearly enough reading done the night before so I got up somewhat early and got lots of it done. ELang was great, I know not many would find any sort of joy in a American Usage class but I really find it great. Good thing too, its essential for my minor. I got out of that and did some great reading on the meaning of an author as its related to literary criticism (Foucault's, What is an Author?) and went and discussed it in my Literary Criticism class. Did no homework after that class but watched Downton Abbey some more and attempted to do a Sodoku puzzle. I went to work and found out that hiding just doesn't work sometimes funnily enough. I got home, watch more Downton Abbey, went out to see Beauty and the Beast, which was fabulous as always by the way, and came home. After being apart for a while, I pulled all the different parts of myself together and went to bed.

I slept in. And it was blissful thanks for asking. Got all showered and ready for the day and looked out to see the weather behaving in a very bipolar manner (rain to hail to snow to rain again, etc. etc.). I distracted myself with the computer and writing my own letter for a bit then went up to work. I was very precise in working in the very back. I was graciously given a ride home, on a scooter (it had stopped raining thank goodness). I helped Dana make our delicious cheesecake that will hopefully be a delightful dessert tomorrow and then made a nice and large batch of chicken puffs. Should last me at least a couple days :) We (Dana, Giselle, Jasmin, Jordan, Cole and Charlotte) then all went to Velour and watched David's (Co-chair's) band (Blind Actuaries) play. It was soo good! Favorite local bacd by far and i will steal the music from Dana as soon as physically possible. We all came home and enjoyed Jordan playing tunes on the keyboard at our apartment and just visited.

I am now typing my blog. And we are now here. Can I just say, Life is a funny thing, and this is my conclusion.

And to all a good night

Wednesday, January 18

bring it world

Wednesdays are LONG. Class all day and orchestra at the end. I don't get home for any real length of time until after 9. All my classes were great today, with lots of reading and complicated details - it makes for many great opportunities to learn. And I find that fantastic! I got all my reading done for tomorrow early so I'm going to bed before midnight tonight, YAY :) Oh an no class until noon so sleeping sounds like great fun :)

A mysterious American flag along with a new poster showed up in our apartment today. It must be because of our dumb lock that keeps breaking. It mystifies me as to where they're from, I don't know what to think. . . ;) Oh by the way, I love apartment 440.

Pictures make me so happy when i look at them and remember all the wonderful times I've had and the wonderful people I've spent those times with :) I will post pictures when I am done putting all my pictures up in my room.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love my New Testament class. Every time I go, its boosts me up. We talked about today that the Lord would rather help us become the best version of ourselves then making sure we're constantly comfortable. Being constantly comfortable leads to being a spoiled brat - thats just not appealing. I am so grateful for this Gospel and the wonderful truths it brings to my life.

To the Lord, I will say "Here am I, send me," and to the world I say, "Bring it on"

Tuesday, January 17

playing catch up

Gotta catch up from yesterday. I literally had just turned off the light and laid down with my eyes closed, when I realized I had not blogged yet that day. I put it off until today. I was far too comfortable to move at all. So lets see, what happened on Monday . . .

Well to start off, I slept in till 10. Then I got showered and comfortable and started doing my reading (which I thoroughly enjoy by the way). I read and read until Nyc (my aunt) came and took me grocery stopping. I got enough food to last me through the end of school I'm sure and came home and cooked Skillet Lasagna for the first time. And may I say, it turned out pretty outstanding :) It pays off being able to cook well :) Well at least I've been told I cook pretty well and everything's tasted good so far so I'll take that as a bonus! I also got new recipes today for homemade pancakes and waffles from Becca and am very excited to try them out. I certainly hoping they are much better then Bisquick.

Why am I always up so late? I'm always the last one in my apartment to go to sleep and thats probably not a good thing. These posts take place right around midnight every night. I want to make sure its the complete end of my day right before I go to bed, but I suppose I should start getting ready for bed a little bit earlier. Aaaaaahhhh and then I get distracted by quotes, curse my shortening attention span. I need to read more books, they boost your attention span. I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was an excellent idea, now I just have to start reading, along with school and work and yeah, I WILL do it. No big deal.

Ok well today I got much of  my reading done and I feel like I'll be nice and prepared and caught up for my classes tomorrow. I'm also trying to use the phrase "a lot" less in my writing because I feel like I do it all the time. (I had to change it at the end of that sentence, to prove my point) I also just did research on that phrase for my Usage class and now I'm just self-conscious.

Work is better nowadays. I'm not looking over my shoulder frightened at who might be around the corner. That probably has to do with the fact that I sent the first of many letters to the MTC today. I also was looking through pictures and printing some out from last semester that just make me smile :) There is no use being sad because that's definitely not the point of this experience. I am diving into life (classes, reading, work, sleeping, socializing) head on and all I can think is, this'll be fun. "May you live all the days of your life." Johnathon Swift was a wise man, and I will take that to heart.

Much love

Sunday, January 15

Just for today

You know the feeling when you're trying not to think about something but everything from TV commercials to wedding announcements to chocolate chip cookies is a constant reminder? But you know what? All those memories make me smile :) Things are as they're supposed to be and needless to say, I'm learning many things from this experience and I'm sure I will continue to for the next few years.

I love my family :) Talking to my Mom and Dad always makes me feel better about my day. In marriage prep we were talking about the importance of eternal families and I love looking back on my childhood because my parents and family made it wonderful and they continue that to this day :)

Church keeps me stable and I love how stable I can me if i work to keep following in Christ's footsteps. Can I just say how much I love this song? We sang the hymn version in church today and the lyrics always make me want to cry because it reminds me I need to work A LOT to get to the level I should be with my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. BUt hey I'm working, one day at a time. Listen to the lyrics if you read this, see if it doesn't change you. Oh and it helps that it has a ROCKIN violin solo :) Double winning.

OH! And this video! When men's hearts fail, having faith in the constancy of the Lord and an eternal perspective that everything will be alright. No matter what, Christ and our Father wants nothing but the best for us, their patience with me is unending especially when I lose patience with myself for all my imperfections and weaknesses. "God loves our un-complete self completely and our imperfections perfectly." President Uchtdorf gives us our entire lives in one sentence. I can be just fine and suddenly everything is lonely. But I don't have to be. I can be better at . . . I can try not to fix every problem at once but take myself gradually through the steps to peace and joy. Kenneth Holmes says it better then I can.

Just For Today
Just for today, I will try to live through this day only,
and not tackle my whole life problem
at once. I can do something for twelve hours
that would appall me if I felt that I had to
keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for today, I will be happy. This assumes to
be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that
"most folks are as happy as they make up
their minds to be."

Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind.
I will study. I will learn something useful.
I will not be a mental loafer. I will read
something that requires effort, thought and

Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is,
and not try to adjust everything to my own
desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes,
and fit myself to it.

Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three
ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and
not get found out. I will do at least two
things I don't want to--just for exercise.
I will not show anyone that my feelings are
hurt; they may be hurt, but today I will not
show it

Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look
as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low,
act courteously, criticize not one bit, not
find fault with anything and not try to improve
or regulate anybody except myself.

Just for today, I will have a program. I may not
follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will
save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.

Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all
by myself, and relax. During this half hour,
sometime, I will try to get a better perspective
of my life.

Just for today, I will be unafraid. Especially I
will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful,
and to believe that as I give to the world, so
the world will give to me.
-Kenneth L. Holmes

If this blogs shows nothing else, it shows me living one day at a time. Change comes in small increments one day after another, I wonder how this blog will reflect my changes. Ah well a new day starts soon, so sleep is in order.

God bless 

Saturday, January 14

Work to Missionaries

A day full of work and basketball and Bones and Psych. i could leave it at that you know. I don't have to write down everything I did I could have all of you (whoever YOU are) just take a wild guess. But what else would a blog be for then to talk and write.

 I love chilling with my family and chattering over our family pictures. Its just a fun time. Also the TV watching with my sis is always fun  :)

I got my posters today!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I have to somehow find room for them in my room or maybe put one outside in the living room . . . but its an Asian theme out there and Idk if that would mess with the feng shui (who know that it was spelled that way right?) so we shall see what I decide.

I also love Mormon Messages on Youtube because they help me remember that my Heavenly Father's timing is so much better then mine is. Missionary work is the most wonderful opportunity for the rest of the world to understand the truths of eternal families, being spiritual children of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as our one and only Redeemer through the Atonement. Working at the MTC must be rubbing off on me but maybe thats the point :) God bless the missionaries, they deserve it :)

Friday, January 13


Cleaning checks are quite the odious chore but now everything is very clean in our apartment and I certainly hope it remains so. Cleanliness is next to godliness is the phrase so aren't we divinecause oh yeah we passed! :)

You know something I heard today in my American Usage class was great. We were talking about language change and whether that meant the language was decaying. My teacher said this "Change is not decay, change is just change." I feel like thats a metaphor for life. Everything changes and shift but for the better although we may certainly think otherwise. Change is what makes everyone so different but we are all similar in the fact that we were not who we were yesterday, but a new version of ourselves to try out every new day. Its our choice who we want to be and our own efforts dictate them,  so I won't sit on my butt and mope and be sad about anything, but ready and excited for the changes I experience and the changes I get to see in others.

What do I do with my Friday night? First comes work, then getting locked out of my apartment (my key wouldn't turn) but maintenance thankfully saved me, THEN getting hooked onto a UK television show (called Downton Abbey-its quite exciting actually, very dramatic lol) and after three hours, Charlotte, Giselle and I thought it best to wait and have a marathon tomorrow :) Goodness I need to do some reading, I suppose that will have to wait till tomorrow :)

Much Love amigos

Thursday, January 12

another day

Another day, another blog post.

I have to say, my Humanities of Islam class is really opening my eyes to the very apparent similarities between Islam and the LDS faith which is SO COOL. I even get to go to a Muslim mosque service at some point and I'm really excited to get that opportunity. Everyone gets as much truth as much as they  can handle for the Lord knows exactly how to help us be better. And I am so grateful for that.

Work is boring, life is trudging and homework keeps on coming. Well at least I enjoy my homework. That reminds me, I need to write some letters :) Good to do on a three day weekend. Writing and homework for 3 days. Oh yeah and sleep. haha forgot about that . . .

Peace and blessings

Wednesday, January 11


Today was busy . . . goodness not getting home until 5:30 and then stealing 440's flags and putting them in our windows, then I had orchestra, THEN we went to 440 with the banana bread as a peace offering and it worked (on everyone except Brian--but thats not worth mentioning).

So, this evening, for an hour and a half I watched Jordan Reading do Kanji :) Japanese calligraphy (they have a class for it here) and he did some awesome looking words that we're putting in our living room (with our names on them in Japanese). I feel like I will fit in very well in the Asian section of the library now :)

What did I learn about myself in New Testament today?
I need to be more like Phillip, not ask why and just go with the Lords plan. His timing is perfect and I cannot possibly understand. I love the Lord enough to do His will and give Him my will as my one gift I can give. At least thats what i'm striving for right? One day at a time and no take on my whole life problem at once. I'm so glad the Lord gives me friends, roommates and a room room mate that are so good at making me smile and just happy even when I don't want to be.

I miss reading just for me. Just picking up a book and not putting it down until I finish. Maybe I'll try to do that this weekend :) Good thing to do with a three day weekend right? I like my plan!

Much love friends

Tuesday, January 10

ramdom things in particular

Hugo was a great movie, I saw it today. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves movies, it really is quite magical. Makes you want to go wind up a clock, just for the heck of it :)

Textbook got stolen today in the warfare going on between 431 and 440. I guess I'll have to go read it in the bookstore . . . again. Vengeance is coming . . . watch your backs.

Its odd how time passes. So quickly one day and so slowly the next. Every moment is precious which makes life so much fun to live. To my friend Elder Erekson, make every moment count as I know you will. It'll all be worth it :)

School comes a day at a time, no more no less. So I'll take it that way. Much too busy for my own good.


Monday, January 9

prayers and the arts

Today, I've been doing a lot of reading for my Humanities of Islam class and its basically been an introduction into Islam and Muhammad and its been really interesting. I like learning about other religions because it emphasizes to me how the Lord loves all His children and has given all different peoples truth. They may not have the whole truth but the Lord can build upon that truth through the work of the missionaries who give added light given by the restoration of the fulness of the Gospel. UNderstanding is made possible through the Spirit of the Lord which grants us the opportunity to be more calm and collected in our thoughts and actions. I mean no one wants to get in arguments, (well some people do) and the Spirit can help guide one through a conversation by helping you understand what the person is trying to say to you (a sort of interpretation of tongues if you will).  Learned that in New Testament today. I love my religion classes - they are such an uplifting and edifying part of my day. It keeps me going and makes me happier every time I read or study for those classes.

I am in a much better mood then yesterday and I am very grateful to my Heaven Father who listens to my sometimes pitiful pleads for help and always knows how to lift me up. Its all about God's timing, he knows EXACTLY what we need when we need it most and it is not for us (with the watch) to dictate to Him (the One who set the cosmic clocks) how or when our answers are given. Patience breeds calm confidence in One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Now if I could just be better at being patient and calm. . .

I got one textbook today so thats better then having one less but I certainly hope they at least come tomorrow, pretty pretty please. I really am enjoying my classes and I think I'm gonna join one of the Student Journals on Campus; probably Criterion (literary criticism) or Americana (American humanities) and I'm really excited. I'm not sure if I mentioned I was going to do that but shows how excited I am right? American Humanities today was great! It literally deserves an exclamation point. My professor is funny and always is up for any sort of discussion that lead to interesting points I'd never thought of before. Did I mention I love Humanities? Cause I do, oh wait! Its my major - I have most excellent taste :)

Now when it comes to apartment 440, let the merry war begin!


Sunday, January 8

a different Sunday

Sundays. Sundays are great because I get to sleep in, go to church and try to get outside of myself for a little while. Fasting is always good (yes I said it was good) and break the fast with the ward, dessert with now former :*( FHE bros along with Tangled is always a bonus. Can I just say I have the best hometeachers in the entire world? Shout out to Nate and Jason who gave their testimonies today which were a great boost to me.

So you know when people tell you how everything is gonna be fine just gotta focus and keep it out of your mind? Yeah, working on that. Kinda hard. Yeah a bit. I never thought I'd say this but I WANT MY TEXTBOOKS SO I CAN JUST FOCUS ON THAT. This in between period is highly unnecessary, but hey, what do I know?

I love the church and how constant it is. Everything about it just reminds me of how the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. He carries me through the hard times and walks beside me to be there whenever I need. You know what? The scriptures are the best textbooks ever, so I can do my very best o get lost in those. Nothing is too big or small for the Lord to handle, if I just let Him guide me, I'll be just fine.

I get to go see Hugo on Tuesday with a friend from Bakersfield, who's in my stake, that I never knew existed until three days ago. Small Mormon BYU world . . . but in other movie news, Beauty and the Beast comes out again this week! YAY! Favorite Disney movie of all time and I get to eventually see it on the big screen! Now to get a car . . . who wants to comes with me? :)

School this week will be insanely busy I'm sure (unless my TEXTBOOKS don't get here) but I like being busy good at keeping the brain occupied. This quote needs to be in this post because I need to cheer up dang it.

"I like life! 
Life likes me!
 Life and I fairly fully agree 
Life is fine! Life is good! 
'Specially mine which is just as it should be! 
I like pouring the wine and why not? 
Life's a pleasure that I deny not 

I like life here and now 
Life and I made a mutual vow 
Till I die, life and I, 
We'll both try to be better somehow!"

We'll both try to be better somehow :) Everything's good because I say it is. Have a good week cyberspace!


Saturday, January 7

back in the saddle again

Who would've thought that I'd ever miss having my textbooks. I need to do homework and they're not here yet! ugh....

Getting back into the swing of school is kinda weird. Something is definitely different about this semester but I guess its just something I need to get used to. Best friends off doing great things so I'll support them every step of the way but its hard when they're gone. I really just want to dive into school and focus on that but without TEXTBOOKS its makes that difficult so I certainly hope they get here soon.

All my classes seem like they're going to be alot of fun but very difficult all at once, I guess I shouldn't be surprised especially since I'm in lots of major and higher level classes but I'll be busy. Next week, I'm going to go in and start working on one of the journals that BYU produces to kinda jumpstart my editing skills and make it easier for me to get a job later. I haven't decided between Criterion (literary criticism) or Americana (american studies + humanities) but they start on Wednesday and I'm really quite excited. I'm guessing this experience will really help me in figuring out if editing is right for me but I have high hopes.

A New Testament assignment really got me thinking yesterday about the value of a journal. I mean isn't that basically what all the scriptures are? Journals that the prophets of old and new kept of the spiritual and physical experience of them and their people for my benefit? Kinda seems silly that I've never been good at keeping a journal so maybe this blog could help with that. I love the new insights I've gained from my religion classes. Feeling the spirit and looking at the verses in a new way brings the scriptures to life for me. My New Testament teacher tells us that we should look at the scriptures as our story. What can we see of ourselves in the characters? Do we allow the Lord with the Holy Ghost to work on us like the righteous men and women shown in the scriptures? It gives you a lot to think about. I sometimes feel like I need to improve on so many things at once; scripture reading (between the BofM, NT and Ensign talks), overcoming the sins of commission, reaching out to everyone and just being a better follower of Christ, and I don't have enough hours in the day. Then it helps to remember the quote I've put up at the top of this blog: "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problem at once." The gospel is a process, it takes a lifetime to go completely. It just makes me excited to go to the temple eventually and just learn more. SO STOKED. enough said


Thursday, January 5

it begins

I'm sure everyone is sort of afraid when they start a blog. What is it like to just send things off into the world wide web and just kinda say well someone will think its worth reading. Even if my mindless blabber really isn't worth reading to many, I enjoy doing it because its the best way for me to just let my feelings out. Writing is therapeutic. I've found this in my actual enjoyment of writing papers and especially in writing letters. It may be apart of my career someday but it may not but I don't really care either way. I've always been bad at journaling and hopefully this will be some semblance of a journal along with the mindless blabber that ill inevitably come with it.

Now, the breakdown of my current situation is as follows
  • 15 credits
  • working 4 nights a week
  • new roommates
  • best friend is no longer boyfriend and headed to Korea for two years = rather bummed out but super excited all at once
  • forgot to get things when at the grocery store
  • striving for more spirituality
  • sleep is optional but very much needed
So.....more on those things later. My classes are calling to me, "Ready for this, ready for this, YOU'RE NOT READY FOR THIS!"

Well, I'll see if they're right won't I? Cheers