Getting back into the swing of school is kinda weird. Something is definitely different about this semester but I guess its just something I need to get used to. Best friends off doing great things so I'll support them every step of the way but its hard when they're gone. I really just want to dive into school and focus on that but without TEXTBOOKS its makes that difficult so I certainly hope they get here soon.
All my classes seem like they're going to be alot of fun but very difficult all at once, I guess I shouldn't be surprised especially since I'm in lots of major and higher level classes but I'll be busy. Next week, I'm going to go in and start working on one of the journals that BYU produces to kinda jumpstart my editing skills and make it easier for me to get a job later. I haven't decided between Criterion (literary criticism) or Americana (american studies + humanities) but they start on Wednesday and I'm really quite excited. I'm guessing this experience will really help me in figuring out if editing is right for me but I have high hopes.
A New Testament assignment really got me thinking yesterday about the value of a journal. I mean isn't that basically what all the scriptures are? Journals that the prophets of old and new kept of the spiritual and physical experience of them and their people for my benefit? Kinda seems silly that I've never been good at keeping a journal so maybe this blog could help with that. I love the new insights I've gained from my religion classes. Feeling the spirit and looking at the verses in a new way brings the scriptures to life for me. My New Testament teacher tells us that we should look at the scriptures as our story. What can we see of ourselves in the characters? Do we allow the Lord with the Holy Ghost to work on us like the righteous men and women shown in the scriptures? It gives you a lot to think about. I sometimes feel like I need to improve on so many things at once; scripture reading (between the BofM, NT and Ensign talks), overcoming the sins of commission, reaching out to everyone and just being a better follower of Christ, and I don't have enough hours in the day. Then it helps to remember the quote I've put up at the top of this blog: "Just for today, I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life problem at once." The gospel is a process, it takes a lifetime to go completely. It just makes me excited to go to the temple eventually and just learn more. SO STOKED. enough said
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