I'm sure everyone is sort of afraid when they start a blog. What is it like to just send things off into the world wide web and just kinda say well someone will think its worth reading. Even if my mindless blabber really isn't worth reading to many, I enjoy doing it because its the best way for me to just let my feelings out. Writing is therapeutic. I've found this in my actual enjoyment of writing papers and especially in writing letters. It may be apart of my career someday but it may not but I don't really care either way. I've always been bad at journaling and hopefully this will be some semblance of a journal along with the mindless blabber that ill inevitably come with it.
Now, the breakdown of my current situation is as follows
- 15 credits
- working 4 nights a week
- new roommates
- best friend is no longer boyfriend and headed to Korea for two years = rather bummed out but super excited all at once
- forgot to get things when at the grocery store
- striving for more spirituality
- sleep is optional but very much needed
So.....more on those things later. My classes are calling to me, "Ready for this, ready for this, YOU'RE NOT READY FOR THIS!"
Well, I'll see if they're right won't I? Cheers
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