Sunday, January 8

a different Sunday

Sundays. Sundays are great because I get to sleep in, go to church and try to get outside of myself for a little while. Fasting is always good (yes I said it was good) and break the fast with the ward, dessert with now former :*( FHE bros along with Tangled is always a bonus. Can I just say I have the best hometeachers in the entire world? Shout out to Nate and Jason who gave their testimonies today which were a great boost to me.

So you know when people tell you how everything is gonna be fine just gotta focus and keep it out of your mind? Yeah, working on that. Kinda hard. Yeah a bit. I never thought I'd say this but I WANT MY TEXTBOOKS SO I CAN JUST FOCUS ON THAT. This in between period is highly unnecessary, but hey, what do I know?

I love the church and how constant it is. Everything about it just reminds me of how the Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever. He carries me through the hard times and walks beside me to be there whenever I need. You know what? The scriptures are the best textbooks ever, so I can do my very best o get lost in those. Nothing is too big or small for the Lord to handle, if I just let Him guide me, I'll be just fine.

I get to go see Hugo on Tuesday with a friend from Bakersfield, who's in my stake, that I never knew existed until three days ago. Small Mormon BYU world . . . but in other movie news, Beauty and the Beast comes out again this week! YAY! Favorite Disney movie of all time and I get to eventually see it on the big screen! Now to get a car . . . who wants to comes with me? :)

School this week will be insanely busy I'm sure (unless my TEXTBOOKS don't get here) but I like being busy good at keeping the brain occupied. This quote needs to be in this post because I need to cheer up dang it.

"I like life! 
Life likes me!
 Life and I fairly fully agree 
Life is fine! Life is good! 
'Specially mine which is just as it should be! 
I like pouring the wine and why not? 
Life's a pleasure that I deny not 

I like life here and now 
Life and I made a mutual vow 
Till I die, life and I, 
We'll both try to be better somehow!"

We'll both try to be better somehow :) Everything's good because I say it is. Have a good week cyberspace!



  1. I'm enjoying reading your blogs :)

  2. I dont know what it is about the home teachers in Provo...they're awesome!
