Friday, June 27

Lift, Lighten and Love - The Internet and Influencing Others

Nothing astounds me more then observing people. Ordinary people in their natural habitats of school, work and home. I have plenty of time to do it: seeing and working with students on BYU campus as I walk to either one of my jobs, brainstorming with writers and social media experts at my internship at Newsroom, getting letters from my sister on her mission in France, FaceTiming my family as we hurriedly plan my wedding for the end of the summer, doing scripture study with my fiancee over the phone before bedtime.

Like it or not, we are constantly influenced and changed by the people around us. The way I talk and act every day directly effects the day of another person. We have more power then we realize to influence the ordinary people in our lives. On the internet and in our personal interactions with others, we choose to be an influence for good in how we  act, behave and strive become more like our Savior Jesus Christ.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a church that embraces and loves to do missionary work in all it's many forms. More recently, discussions have been raised about how to conduct ourselves online as Latter-day Saints and how to respond to the earnest questions of both members and non-members. Whether it's sorting through your own thoughts or trying to clarify points discussed by others, the Church advices on for it's members to maintain a spirit of love and understanding and keep their posts focused on Christ and his ideals. To post often about Gospel related topics or activities (Family Home Evening, YSA activities, etc.) and show how these have helped reaffirm and teach correct principles and doctrines concerning the Church. Use your words to explain your experiences and build people up. Even if it's just a funny thought, quote or picture, it's a light on the internet that can bring joy and hope to other who might just be having a bad day.Constantly check the wake you leave on social media and the internet, to see it has been used to celebrate the ideals shown to us by Jesus Christ gives us the power to do good by being good and loving the Lord.

When it comes to dealing with questions and the controversy that can come about because of them, The Church released a statement detailing how to break down these questions to their most basic form - a way to discover and reaffirm the truth that God has revealed to His prophets both ancient and modern. In the statement, it said,"At the heart of the conversation are matters of faith and doctrine. We believe these doctrines are given to us by God in simple ways: through scripture and through living prophets and apostles. If our personal goals go beyond what has been provided from those sources, we must ask ourselves whether we are we trying to change His Church to match our own perspective."

Being humble and teachable is essential to coming to a greater understanding of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It comes down to being willing to come to Christ. To forsake all else, including our determination to be "right". All the children of God--every single person on this earth--are eternal beings and deserving of all the charity, empathy and compassion we can give them. So give it. Give that love to others that your Heavenly Father has so freely given to you. Be a reflection of his perfect love to help light the way for those who may be lost on dark roads. Heaven't Father loves us in spite of ourselves. In spite of all our faults, weaknesses, and every moment we decided being right was more important then being a representative of the love of Christ and His gospel. In spite of every moment we thought we knew better then He, He loves us. That love has so much power to influence our fellowmen, restore the hope that's lost, lift the brokenhearted, lighten the heavy loads and love our Heavenly Father's children for everything they can, will and should be.

Ordinary people do extraordinary things. I see that everyday in the extraordinary people in my life. People who change and effect me every day with their selfless and unbiased love for me and the people around them. I see their works and strive for the goodness that they so humbly and habitually show. My mom who is successfully planning a wedding in 2.5 months flat. My fiancee who works from 8am to 10:00pm everyday and still stays up to read scriptures with me and talk about my day. My sister who puts her most precious beliefs on the line everyday in hopes of bringing joy to others. My co-workers who are dedicated to bring positive and powerful LDS content to the broader internet community. The students on BYU campus who are often the stereotypes of poor, starving college student and still putting their education first.

We have the chance to directly impact the people around, and even people worlds away from us, for the better. Show love. Be kind. Encourage hope. Foster discussion. But in all things, remember Christ and his power to love, to forgive, to strengthen and to rebuild. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, His mission is ours. To minister to our fellowmen and to help them on the path to return to our Heavenly Father in everlasting joy. Bring joy to find joy. It's your opportunity and responsibility--so live it.

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