Monday, February 6

a busy day through tired eyes

A tiring day. I had to stay up till 3 to study for an exam I had this morning at 10 for American Usage because my Literary Criticism paper took over my life on Saturday so I just didn't have time. All the nemonic devices with the first letter of all the things I had to remember worked really quite well (Ron Goes Calling Lavender for the 4 precepts of language - Rule, General/Educated Usage, Chameleon, Linguistic norm) and I feel like I did really really well. Fingers crossed :)
New Testament was wonderful as always. I love the new perspective I have on my scriptures and actually going through and searching and pondering things. Search, ponder and pray - amen! We sang How Firm a Foundation and man it was a powerful way to start the class. Music is such a wonderful way to bring the spirit into the room. In conjunction with that song, we learned from Paul how the prophets can lay the foundation of the gospel and a strong one it is but I have to be careful what I built on top of that foundation. What kind of house/life/family/happiness will I create? But if I rely on the Lord it certainly makes it that much easier.
Since I had my other papers today however, it made me get behind on my reading that I was supposed to actually have ready for today but thats ok, I'll do it tomorrow when I have my free morning. And I get to go to the temple tomorrow! I'm so excited to feel that wonderful spirit again and get to just spend time with me, my scriptures and the Lord. My American Humanities paper was all about the Puritans and how through their poetry they discovered a great personal relationship with the Lord, and it made me excited be able to go to the temple and feel the Spirit that is there.
My other classes were great! I mean I was wide awake - only I would find Marx ideology and how it applies to capitalism and looking at the texts of the Great Enlightenment absolutely fascinating. Its easy to see why I have the major that I do huh?
I finally got a letter from Elder Price - haven't heard from him since a Christmas card but hey that boy's apparently been super busy. I mean he got bumped to Zone Leader! But I mean its, Caleb so I can't say I'm surprised. Its cool to hear his stories about everything and I'm grateful to have him as a friend an example.
I just remembered that I need to do my Forum entry before I go to bed, its due at 11:55 - and I want to go to bed FAR before that. Its been a great day. Life is fine, Life is good, especially mine which is just as it should be! Onward and upward we go.

As Salaam ‘alaykum – May peace be unto you (Arabic from my Humanities of Islam class)

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