Sunday, February 19

days turn to a week

Saturday: Uneventful. I should've been doing homework but did I? Nope and it was very nice to just have a nice chill day. Work wasn't so bad, fun sightings bring smiles all around. :) Then chilling with the roomies till bedtime.
Sunday: A wonderful meeting and there was a powerful Spirit throughout. The people in my ward are all very genuine and in their lessons and talks, its easy to see how sincere their testimonies are. I challenge anyone to find a better ward with a better bishopric then the YSA Provo 95th Ward. Nice try :) I stayed up till 3 again but this time it was to write a letter to Jared. I love reading and getting his letters because he has such a powerful spirit and testimony that it strengthens me every time I read them. And I'll say it every time, mine is better :)
Monday: Well now we're running into Monday. Monday was good I finished my reading for New Testament and American Usage before class started but then was late due to the crisis of not being able to find my keys. Figures. Class was interesting as always but its getting harder now because were getting into grammar like Who vs. Whom. Its HARD to figure it out cause I for one don't use whom but I need to know it if I wanna be a good editor. So . . . let the notecards be made! Got most of my reading done for Literary Criticism before New Testament and then New Testament was wonderful as always :) We took apart 1 Corinthians 13 and Charity. True charity has only ever been performed once with Christ and his perfect life and atonement but, by accepting his love and bringing it into my life, I become a reflection of that divinity when I show charity to others. Charity is the true love of Christ, all the attributes described in verses 5-7 were done by Christ perfectly and only in accepting Him into my life, can I have any hope of giving these attributes to anyone else. THe scriptures and the gospel are amazing things :) Literary Criticism was interesting with our discussion of Benjamin's The Work of Art in the Age of Technological Reproduction. We talked about how art has an "aura" of being singular and how photos and cinema question the old definitions of art. A very materialistic argument but thats not surprising since he was a Marxist.  But the idea of what makes a work of art authentic was interesting to think about. I think did none of my reading for American Humanities but studied my brains out for my Humanities of Islam exam which I took after my class (which was hilarious as ever). It took me 3 HOURS. Oh my goodness did my brain hurt after that but I thought I did well. Needless to say, I didn't do my reading for H of I the next day.
Tuesday: Goodness this is going to be a long blog post. I slept in Tuesday and it felt wonderful. I woke up to a Valentines with my Valentine close by but at the same time far away. I was determined not to mope or anything so I didn't do my reading and went to class. I really need to get to the devotionals more though, I think I'm probably missing out on an opportunity to have my Tuesdays be even more spiritually invigorating by missing those. Time to set the alarm on Tuesdays and get up early and get going! Giselle was busy with papers so we didn't get to go to the temple which I was bummed about but I got some pictures printed for Caleb cause he asked for some in his last letter and sent some off to him. Then I was reading some blogposts in the library and Giselle, sitting behind me in the library, kindly offered to give me a ride to work. I was torn all throughout work trying and then not trying to see Jared because at that point, I really missed him. But I went through the shift and walked home and what did I find a Valentine's card just for me :) It was simple and sweet but man I was and am very much blessed to have Jared in my life. It made my Valentine's day probably the second best ever :) (last year taking first prize). Then Giselle came home telling us of her strutting into Ty and Robert's classes to give them their dinners with a black dress and red red lipstick. You go girl! The evening more then made up for the not so good day. Stayed up late doing reading for New Testament.
Wednesday: Got up and did yoga as always. It was a great workout cause I pushed myself. Love that feeling :) Finished my exercises for American Usage and ran with Jackie to get there on time. I finished my reading for New Testament and most of my reading for Literary Criticism before NT. In New Testament, we talked about II Corinthians, how comfort from God is the same with charity, only by feeling it through God am I able to really give it to others. God has given us an earnest (downpayment) of His spirit to give us just a tiny taste and an assurance that if we follow Him, we will receive all the more when we return to live with him again. We talked about the Great Exchange of the Atonement in chapter 5 verse 21 - Christ was sinless but consented to sin by taking on my sins so that I could be made perfect like He is. Such wonderful and powerful doctrine and I am so grateful to be at a school where I learn these things in class! Always have a wonderful Spirit. It doesn't even bum me out that there's a test in that class that starts on my birthday because I learn and grow each time I open my scriptures now. Literary Criticism was great talking about Bordeiu's ideas on culture and how taste in the arts distinguish people. A person doesn't understand why a piece of art is good with no training or background and that training sets people above the masses - like us as Humanities majors. People just look at us weird sometimes lol. After class, went to the library and started to do some reading for American Humanities but I got distracted by trying to find bus schedules/routes so Abby and I could go and visit Grandpa on Thursday. Things are just so stressful when they are in the planning process! So I went to class yet again without having done all the reading and had a hoot all the same :) I got home and saw the awesome box that Dana had made for our Valentine for the ward Valentines party - Phantom of the Opera themed with the soundtrack even playing on the inside of the box. It was absolutely fantastic. But what was even more fantastic was I got a letter from Jared, 2 letters in one week and I am a very lucky girl :) I'm so proud of him for all the wonderful work he is doing for the Lord, I've definitely got the best best friend ever :) Then I went to orchestra and had a wonderful time playing my heart out. I love music! And playing and singing and just everything :)
Thursday: Ah so Thursday I slept in again which is always nice but this time I got all my reading done for Islamic Humanities and we had a really interesting discussion about movies. We talked about how the council from the brethren is nothing "vulgar, immoral, inappropriate, suggestive or pornographic" so that sometimes is PG-13 and sometimes R, but its up to us to make wise judgements. Pretty cool discussion. After class went and got my ticket for the Passover Seder Service that BYU does every year in March/April. I'm really excited to go :) Then Abby and I ran to the bus stop to catch our bus to Salt Lake to go see Grandpa who got surgery on his back. I didn't get nearly all that I needed to done cause Abby and I just talked the whole way. We hopped on the Trax and went right through the stop Jared and I got off of last semester when we went to his sister Lena's house. That was a fun trip :) and our trip on Thursday was great too. We got to see most of our Dad's side of the family and Grandpa's surgery went really well and didn't have any pain in his back. It was great to see :) Grandpa is such a sweetheart and Grandma is sassy and its super funny to watch. I love them both. Kairisti picked us up and gave us a ride home. We stopped at Baja Fresh for dinner on the way which was delicious because I was starving. We came and chilled at my apartment for a little while and Abby and Kairisti left. I finished some reading and exercises for American Usage and headed to bed.
Friday: Friday was the countdown to the 3 day weekend. Yoga (where my shoulder started giving me problems and I had to ice it. Can't I just saw off the part that hurts?), went to American Usage, got out and went to the library and finished some reading for Literary Criticism. In Literary Criticism we talked about culture can be a factor in determining national identity and not only to our personal culture. Interesting as always. After, I went to my NT review for the test that starts this next week and felt really pretty good about it. Then I got to go home on a Friday which hasn't happened since last semester because I got it off thinking we were going to Vegas this weekend. But I just got home and chilled and watched a few shows and took a nap. A very long nap because I didn't wake up till 7 so then Dana, Jackie and I could go out and start our epic girls night. We went to both FYEs looking for Madagascar 1 and 2 and finally found them after a very long time searching. I also got Moulin Rouge, Monster's Inc. and Juno. EPIC. We got Little Caesar's on our way home (a staple on a Friday night in 431) and watched both Madagascars because I've never seen the second. SO FUNNY. Oh goodness a great night.
Saturday: Again I didn't have work so it was a nice relaxing morning where I slept really late. I watched some CSI just for fun and even took a little nap. Then Dana and I got ready for our night in Park City with Robert and Ty. We left at around 4:30 because Dana is far too popular for her own good. Awesome time jamming out in the car. We got there and just walked around the galleries with some delicious Hot Caramel Apple Cider - doesn't that just sound wonderful? Cause it was :) The galleries were really cool and off course tremendously outside my price range but it was fun just the same. After we'd wandered around for a while, we finally found the Blue Iguana, a mexican restaurant where we had planned to eat. We got seated and the dishes were really authentic at least thats what Ty said (served in Mexico on his mish) so I got the Mole Poblano with Pork and everyone else got new things too. Dana's grande burrito came out and we just started rolling from laugher. It was SO BIG! We had told her to order it because if you finished it you got a free dessert but my goodness that thing was huge. SO after we had finished our food, we were pretty full and then started on the 3/4ths of the burrito that Dana hadn't eaten. The beef in the burrito was not good but the chicken was, truly it was just one huge chuck of meat. Ugh my stomach has never felt so full in my life and it was not in a good way. But after over an hour, we finished it with only a small bit left and our waiter brought us the dessert! VICTORY! We downed the dessert in 10 seconds flat and led to a great discussion of how there's always room for dessert. After struggling for a minute, we all managed to get out of our seats, and started walking up to the car. We went in and out of some cool galleries, a little more slowly then normal, but then it started to snow so we booked it up to the car cause there was a big storm coming in. More fantastic rocking out on the way home and we watched Alex and Twitch on Youtube from So You Think You Can Dance because we had been listening to that song in the car. It was great fun and then it was almost midnight and we all went to bed with the intention of never eating again.
Sunday: I woke up at 10:10, 10 minutes before my home teachers were supposed to come and I booked it to get ready. I got my make-up off and my face washed and myself dressed when they got here. Hometeachers, well mine anyways, are always nice to talk to and work in giving me a kick in the butt when I need it. We talked about scripture study and how important it is and they challenged me to get up a little earlier every morning and do my scripture study. Check back with me in a month and I felt like an investigator lol. It was a very nice lesson. Then I had to hurry and get fully ready because I had work and Dana was nice enough to drop me off. Then I saw that Chris was there and had taken my shift and was about to leave but Jessie had people gone and sick so I stayed on. After apologizing profusely to Chris, I worked on silverware for lunch and had a marvelous time. They fed us and then I took a nice little nap in the locker room before I read my scriptures for a bit. I worked on first position in pit for dinner which is busy but keeps you occupied. First, I got a note from Jared without even seeing him he just put it on a random tray. My smile was the biggest ever, Chris even commented on how no matter how many jokes he told, he could never make me smile like that, and he's right only one person can. I continued working and I looked up and there he was smiling at me. I wasn't expecting it because I thought he'd already left. But he smiled at me and we did my favorite hand signal and he left. I have to say, I like that kid a lot :) We got out super early and Chris gave me a ride home. I got home and showered and got all looking nice because I was going to go to Hailey's house for pretzel night but my Skype date with AJ went much longer then planned. It was great though. I haven't talked to him in a really long time and he ships put for basic and job training in a week for the Army. Goodness all of my friends are going into the Army. I talked to him for 3 hours and it was really nice to talk to an old, white de-froed friend. Hopefully I'll get to talk to him later this week before he leaves. It was midnight by the time we finished talking so I went to bed.
Wow, lots of stuff happened this week and I will be better about writing everyday as opposed to a giant letter at the end. I will go and do right? Not sit and stew and play on the computer. Bring on the day!

Much love

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