Monday, February 20

president's day

See? I'm doing better now I just gotta keep it up. Monday was delightful and lazy and semi-productive. I got up at 8:40ish to an empty apartment (with Dana at work and the rest of the roommates out of town) so I did my Yoga. My shoulder was hurting today as well and I hated it. I really do like Yoga and it makes me want to jus trip off my shoulder. I though that it would be helping strengthen it but now it hurting. I just wanna workout! Is that too much to ask? Well I finished and then played catch up with my blog this morning. I got through with that and made myself look presentable for the day and had some Ramen for lunch. Which reminds me that I didn't really have dinner, hungry, hmmmm.... Anywho, I did my American Usage while watching Once Upon a Time and Downton Abbey (which were both excellent this week by the way). After that I uploaded some picture from our Park City trip and did my reading for American Humanities for the first time in like a week and a half. Then I walked up to work (25 minutes not bad) and go there and was ridiculed that I didn't ask for a ride. I can't win. I worked really hard and got another surprise note saying "Happy two days before your birthday" and such things :) I was smiling alot. And I saw the one who wrote the message too and that was a wonderful early birthday present. I like that kid :) Just saying. I got a ride home form work and went to watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes at Ty and Robert's apartment with the other roommates. It was a good movie and it was funny trying to explain how it fit into the other movies to my roommates, practically impossible. I had fun though. Dana and I came back and did studying (me reading and her doing lesson plans) and ending up looking up stuff about the new temples being built. Now I finished my NT reading and I think I'll look over my American Usage before I go to bed. Can I just say how grateful I am to be able to have the fulness of the gospel and understand that God loves me? I am extraordinarily blessed with the different people in my live and being apart of this wonderful church.It makes everything that much easier to go through because at the end of the day, my Father in Heaven loves me and my Elder Brother, Jesus Christ already did everything for me, what more do I need?

Much love to you all

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